nbs Alumni choreographers
NBS has a long history of fostering young choreographers. From the opportunities to work with professional choreographers through creating commissioned work through such initiatives as the Stephen Godfrey Choreographic Workshops, the Assemblées Internationales and the Creative Challenge, students are given a wealth of opportunities to hone their aesthetic sensibilities and cultivate their creativity. Today, choreography by the School’s alumni is being performed by companies around the world.
NBS students discuss their experience of working with alumni choreographer Demis Volpi, and what they’ve learned about the creative process.
This video features excerpts from the 2014 edition of the Creative Challenge, during which students produced new choreographic works and performed them in non-traditional settings throughout the city.
Here, NBS alumna Aszure Barton is seen rehearsing her powerfully moving piece Come In, featured in 2015's Spring Showcase.
Renowned as one of North America’s most innovative choreographers, James Kudelka first developed his interest in choreography as a student at NBS. This video captures Kudelka during a rehearsal for his work … black night’s bright day … which was produced as part of the company’s Innovation series.
Inside the Studio with James Kudelka, courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
Rebekah Rimsay, Jennifer Fournier, Guillaume Côté and James Kudelka rehearsing Cruel World. Photo by Bruce Zinger, courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
NBS alumnus Guillaume Côté discusses the creative process behind his work Being and Nothingness (Part 1), a solo piece Côté developed as part of the National Ballet of Canada’s Innovation series in 2013.
Inside the Studio with Guillaume Côté, courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
NBS alumnus and the National Ballet of Canada’s Choreographic Associate, Robert Binet, discusses his work Unearth, developed for the company’s Innovation programme in 2013.
Inside the Studio with Robert Binet, courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.